Sugar Creek Mission Teams

Over 150 years ago Humboldt Baptist Church, now the Church at Sugar Creek, embraced the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8) to make disciples of Jesus Christ to all peoples of the world from our neighborhoods to the nations!

Our Lord commanded us to be missional.  Missional is a purposeful, intentional lifestyle of sharing Jesus with all peoples making disciples from our neighborhoods to all nations (panta ta ethne) around the world.  Missional is the word that spurs our church into action. We do this in obedience to Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8: Go and make disciples in our Jerusalem – Humboldt, our Judah – Tennessee, our Samaria – North America, and to the ends of the world – all nations, all peoples!

On an August summer day in 2007, our family of faith recommitted themselves to this challenge with a laser-focused effort to become an engaging and partnering church.  The goal is to take responsibility for planting and nurturing churches. We engage and network with local believers and/or churches.  In partnership, we desire to fulfill the mandate of making disciples who make disciples for Jesus Christ.

Sugar Creek’s strategy is more than a single mission trip. It is a multi-year plan, that seeks to serve where our Almighty God provides opportunity.  Our Sugar Creek Mission Team, alongside our Pastor, makes plans to reach the present church planting areas while being sensitive to the movement of the Spirit of God.

We are delighted you are seeking God to join one of our church planting teams. Every church planting mission team is unique because each member is unique, yet we are all made in His image to serve together.  God has designed you and given you gifts and abilities to advance His kingdom. God has equipped you and every follower of Christ with the mandate to go and make disciples. Do not let the cost of team travel, fears of the unknown, or lack of confidence in your skills deter you from what God can do. God provides through our faithful surrender, obedience, and sacrifice.

Whether it is reaching unchurched individuals, people blinded by the enemy and the secular world, or unreached peoples with little to no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ, Sugar Creek is up to the task of going and making disciples!  So let’s do it, Sugar Creek – Let’s PRAY, GIVE, AND GO!

Your Sugar Creek Missions Team and Champions

Steve & Dottie Babcock, Gerry & Karen Brittain, Sierra Clary, Rob Deloach, Kevin & Lisa Kail, Cyndi McCormick, Luke & Holly Mercker, Greg McFadden, Randy & Dewanda Mosier, and Malea Mullins

Hudson Taylor said during challenging days in reaching the Chinese, “God’s work in God’s way will never lack God’s Supply.”

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”  Colossians 3:16-17

Mission Volunteer Information